
Counting at Golders Green Train Station

Time: 12:45
- 113 people walking towards GG
- 100 people walking away from GG
- Comments: many policemen going in and out
Most people: families with children; young people (around 25 years)

Time: 12:55
- 70 people walking away from GG
- 4 children under 10
- Comments: fewer families with children

Time: 01:05
- 93 people walking away from GG
- 9 people, who wear Jewish clothing
- Comments: many businessmen, teenagers, people with luggage
More people going in than going out the station
Most of people wearing Jewish clothes have just the Jewish hat (young and olds)

Time: 01:15
- 85 people walking away from GG
- 29 elderly people
- Comments: I counted all elder people, which going in and out

Time: 01:25
- 94 people walking away from GG
- 46 men
- 48 women
- Comments: women often going out in groups
Most people: young people (around 25 years)