

The shadow of a family under a gray mist somehow represents the lack of excitation which has left the gray and in some way cold feeling in the area.  


This image represents very strong unity amongst the people living in one community with different cultural and ethical backgrounds. This is clearly visible in the Golders Green community.  


I have chosen this picture because it shows the single mindedness of the group and the community.



Jewish dominance



Closed In 





Strong Jewish community

Gradual change in culture 

Kosher food




Family oriented 



Jewish clothing

Jews dress in a manner that reflects a Torah-true life.

This means that it is possible to exhibit in public articles of clothing and a manner of wearing a beard which depict that the wearer seeks to follow the commands of the Torah respecting hair style and religious symbolism.

There is a book called Vayikro, which means “and he called”. These are the three words with which the book begins. Chapter 19:27 of that book may be translated: “Do not round the corner of your head, neither shall you destroy the corners of your beard.” There are other prohibitions concerning the shaving of hair so that an orthodox or Torah true Jew wears long sideburns known as Payot Harosh or, in Yiddish, Payes.

Shaving or trimming the beard is not permitted on Holy Days, particularly on Shabbat, which is the Holiest Day in Judaism. The use of a straight razor is also prohibited, so that in the past Jewish men used depilatory powder (Nair) while now electric razors may be used.

In addition to the influence of Torah on appearance, there are those Jews who wear a beard and sideburns because they want to appear Jewish.

Jews wear black clothes because the medieval church and state demanded that Jews wear black at all times. The European countries generally decreed so-called “sumptuary” laws. These laws required each social class in the feudal system to wear clothes appropriate to their rank. Hence, the upper class wore gaudy clothes of many colors and ornamented profusely. By law, Jews were non-persons and had to wear black clothes so they could be identified at once. The Jews also had to wear a yellow armband or star or other mark. This was abandoned in the eighteenth century but re-instituted by the European killers during the years 1933-1945.

Black clothes are also known to Jews as a symbolic expression divrai yirah shomayim, which means “fearing heaven”. To some Jews life is very serious and the Jew is always conscious of his relationship to G’d. Therefore black is worn so as to avoid frivolity and also place distance between the wearer and everyone else.

Orthodox Jews also wear a prayer belt called a g*rtel in German or Yiddish. This belt is to indicate that the wearer separates his upper body from his lower body as the head is the location of all that is inspired while our bottom serves lesser purposes.

Many orthodox Jewish men also wear a black hat and some wear a streimel , i.e. a fur lined hat. The hat style may vary according to the European origin of a Chassidic sect. Therefore, Lithuanians may wear a different head covering than Galicians, although all will wear a skull cap all day.

The wearing of the skull cap, also known as a kippa or yarmulka, shows respect for G’d, who is thought to live in heaven above us. Hence separate themselves from the divine presence by wearing a hat or cap at all times.

Jewish clothing has entered the non-Jewish world. This is particularly true of the garb worn by Christian priests. Tallit, or prayer shawl, is called a stolaby R.C. priests, using the Latin word. The entire Christian priestly garb is derived from the description of the clothes worn by the Jewish priests at the time the Temple stood in Yerushalayim.


Recent news articles featuring Golders Green.......

X Factor House Hysteria Prompts Road Closure

Thursday October 29, 2009

Hoards of youngsters have been gathering outside the house where the finalists of the ITV show are staying for six days in the hope of catching glimpses of their idols.
Barnet Council said the decision to close the road was to "protect children and teenagers who have been amassing in the road outside the property".
The street in Golders Green, north London, will be closed off by roadblocks at either end until Tuesday next week when the situation will be reviewed.
The council said the road is regularly used as a "cut-through" by drivers.
Councillor Andrew Harper said: "I appreciate the nuisance that this crowd is causing some local residents but our priority has to be to ensure that these young people are safe.
"We have rain forecast for the weekend and I hope that, and the end of half term, will bring an end to the problem.

Jilted boyfriend given life sentence for acid attack and rape of model

01 May 2009

THE jilted ex-boyfriend of a Golders Green model whose face was disfigured with acid has been jailed for life.Danny Lynch, 29, was sentenced this afternoon (Friday) for raping the 25-year-old aspiring TV star and ordering a terrifying attack on her which has left her permanently disfigured.Having raped the woman - who must remain anonymous - following the break down of their relationship, he then ordered his accomplice Steffan Sylvestre, 20, to throw sulphuric acid in her face as she walked along Golders Green Road last March. Sylvestre received an indeterminate stint behind bars for the public's protection, and must serve at least six years in a young offenders' institution.

There was a documetary on the incident this evening on C4 at 9:00pm.

http://www.hamhigh.co.uk/content/camden/hamhigh/news/goldersgreen.aspx - more articles

Thought these were quite interesting.


I really like the community one,  community like in the picture is usually something quite vocal which shows a really apparent togetherness. In Golders Green I think there is a strong community but one which only scratches the surface of our perception. Its almost secretive, where you have to be invited in, a bit like the jewish faith.

3 Images

I've been trawling through images and delving deep into my thoughts to find some visuals that represent my chosen words from our 3 categories of Perception/ Inspiration/ Atmosphere. It has been a good exercise as it has really made me consider Golder's Green and my views on the place and how I see it visually. Somehow I feel like I am a little harsh on Golder's Green with my opinion toward the place as an outsider.......

Perceptions - 'Jewish'
My first image is or a street in Hatton Garden, near Holborn in London. Hatton Garden is famous as London's gold and jewellery quarter. One of the most distinct communities in the Garden are the Jewish traders, who moved into the area in the 17th century. Hatton Garden is not a particularly flamboyant area considering the its main trade. Hatton Garden, London, image from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hatton.garden.london.arp.jpg

Inspirations - 'Community'
I picked the word 'community' as this is what stand out from speaking to the people in Golders Green and observations. This image represents my idea of community, here is service sharing and exchange within Mount Pleasant Community Harare Zimbabwe.
Image taken from website:

Atmosphere - 'reserved and restricted'

Here is a black and white image of a catholic church in the ground of Maynooth College in Ireland. There is a seminary there where male seminarians train to become Catholic priests.
This church here is quite overpowering. I see the Catholic Church as reserved and restricted and old fashioned.
Image taken from http://www.flickr.com/photos/el_floz/2931152895/
My Perceptions of "suburbia"

Perfect, clean, crisp, warm, neighbourly, proud
calm, happy...


Jewish symbols

Benedictive hands: point to descendants of a priest (hebr. Kohen)

Mug or pot: indicates that a Levit, a servant of temple, is buried there

Horn of a ram (hebr. Schofar): means that the decedent had blew the horn at High Holy Days in the synagogue

A knife: characterise the decedent as a "Mohel", which occupies an office as a circumcisor

Board of prayers: shows, that the decedent lived a Thora-faithful-life

An open book: stands for wisdom and knowledge

Kinked roses: stand for a child-tomb

Menorah, the seven-branched candelabrum stands for the eternal light

Crown: one of the oldest Jewish symbols; stand for glory, honour and joy

2 lowered torches: a symbol for death

Magen David: it is a talisman against bad spirits

A tree: is a symbol for the connection between earth and heaven

Olive branch: stands for benediction, mercy, wisdom and trust in God

Bay leaf and palm branch: as a plant, stands for immortality, victory, honour and piece

Ivy: is a symbol for eternal life, loyalty and friendship

Wreath and circle: a symbol for entity and perfection



White noise



- people looking at you suspiciously
- people in groups (families, Jewish, men/women)
- religious
- bigots
- curious

- cemetery
- culture
- Jewish clothes
- tradition
- way of living

- quite
- mysticism
- strict
- boring
- unapproachable

My Thoughts - key words

Jewish........most obvious!
A safe place
Lacking in lustre
Somewhat insular, segregated, conservative
Bygone……….(fashion……and not because there is none of the usual high street clothes shops!)

The Crematorium
Jewish silverwares
Strong faith in religion


Golder’s Green Road

Hoop Lane Cemetery


26-Oct-2009/Golders Green

Perceptions- particular, old film, harmonious, anamnestic, full-bodied culture

Inspirations- shops, Jewish hairstyle, buildings, colour, Jewish clothing

Golders Green Road- unanimated, slow, easy
Cemetery- noiseless, magnific, emotions, feelingly
(Sorry I can not think any more)

"key words"

Perceptions: cheap, rundown, religious, unknown, secret

Inspirations: architecture, tombs/tombstones, cemetery layout, .....can't think of any more!!!

Atmosphere: travelling, divided, closed-off, slow, unapproachable

Mapping at Wellington Diagnostic & Outpatients Centre, 296 Golders Green Road (North Circular Road end)

9 people walking towards GG
9 people walking away from GG

12 people walking away from GG
4 children under 10

12 people walking away from GG
5 people, who wear Jewish clothing

17 people walking away from GG
4 elderly people
Comments: 9 were obviously Jewish

19 people walking away from GG
12 men
7 women
Comments: 9 were obviously Jewish

General observations:
I sat on a wall at the entrance to the hospital, across the road from Golder’s Manor Drive.
There was a bus stop near the hospital. A few people caught the buses towards Golder’s Green approximately every 15/20 minutes. There were very few pedestrians in general. The road was busy with traffic, mainly cars and buses. Many drivers and passengers were Jewish in the cars that passed.
Of the female pedestrians, the younger Jewish ones – appeared to be in their late 20s to early 30s and pushed buggies. The other Jewish females appeared 55 or over. In all of the time that I was observing only 5 children passed. I noticed that there were no pedestrian crossings along Golder's Green Road from the Junction of North Circular Road to a little beyond Highfield Avenue. Only 6 cyclists passed over the 50 minutes.

So perhaps most people travel by car and bus in the north part of Golder's Green Road.....
- Perceptions : conservative, isolation, untouchable, secret, distance
- Inspirations : architecture, Jew symbols, cemetery, people, weather
- Atmosphere,
G.G - haste, indifferent
Cemetery - quite, peaceful, serious

Ya Ju

Counting at Golders Green Rd (opposite costa)

Time: 12:45
- 39 people walking towards GG
- 34 people walking away from GG
- Comments: most of them walked alone

Time: 12:55
- 44 people walking away from GG
- 7 children under 10
- Comments: families with children

Time: 01:05
- 50 people walking away from GG
- 4 people, who wear Jewish clothing
- Comments: one wearing Jewish clothes and the other there just the Jewish hat

Time: 01:15
- 35 people walking away from GG
- 21 elderly people
- Comments: I counted all elder people, which going both two directions

Time: 01:25
- 39 people walking away from GG
- 18 men
- 21 women
- Comments: most of them walked alone

Ya Ju


Good to meet everyone, A busy day spent collecting data on Golders Green road, Strange place, doesn't feel like london, a very transient atmosphere, all of the women seen to be with their children or going about family business, the area feels like it is hanging onto a bygone era when it was grander.

Perceptions, community, busy, family, local, nostalgia

Inspirations, architecture, sound, texture, culture, food

Atmosphere, G.G, suburban, sleepy, transient
Cemetery, peaceful, forgotton

Golders Green Road: equality of the buildings, red colour, different kind of people
Cemetery: historical, »coincidentia oppositorum« = coincidence of opposites


Golders Green Road: stressful, loud, busy
Cemetery: deep of thoughts, gritty

more people, which leave the place, than coming
secure place
more young people than elderly, but no pub or something for them (only coffeeshops)
Golders Green Road: everyone is busy all the day
history and modernity - connected in one place

Counting at Golders Green Train Station

Time: 12:45
- 113 people walking towards GG
- 100 people walking away from GG
- Comments: many policemen going in and out
Most people: families with children; young people (around 25 years)

Time: 12:55
- 70 people walking away from GG
- 4 children under 10
- Comments: fewer families with children

Time: 01:05
- 93 people walking away from GG
- 9 people, who wear Jewish clothing
- Comments: many businessmen, teenagers, people with luggage
More people going in than going out the station
Most of people wearing Jewish clothes have just the Jewish hat (young and olds)

Time: 01:15
- 85 people walking away from GG
- 29 elderly people
- Comments: I counted all elder people, which going in and out

Time: 01:25
- 94 people walking away from GG
- 46 men
- 48 women
- Comments: women often going out in groups
Most people: young people (around 25 years)


what i find interesting about this area is that in some things are like they stayed some decades ago. what i have notice about it is that young people are not living there or they are just a few. not many shops not many cafes. i believe that they just live with the basic things they need to survive. so what about young people? do they stay there or they just left from this place? in some years will be only the older people and the cemetery "dead people"? this is another side to the story. .

The contrary

I personally afraid of death.
However, it always reminds me to appreciate and value my life. To think about death may force people to recall their previous life, maybe a beautiful moment or just the thing they do regularly.

Also, life and death are so contrary but still can not be separated, and sometimes they just been together so peaceful that people are not aware of it.

Maybe this relationship between live and death just like the Jew people and Golders Green, their culture (e.g. the funeral) are so different, but they still live here with other people quietly and peacefully, so maybe it's a good thing to point out these contraries. I just try to record some images about this, and hope it can become a support of our work.

Ya Ju
My views on life ... "Life" is simply a reaction, a way to rationalise our existence beyond the physical purpose of living. We are born, we reproduce, we die. Religion is a way to comfort ourselves, to fill the void, a way to understand and to protect ourselves from the starkness of our own reality.

When Helen says 'movements, actions, rituals and habits' I think it is really important that we apply this when looking at seemingly unconnected things. For example we cannot just look at 'significant buildings' we need to ask what makes a building significant?
In order to understnad the actions and habits of the people of golders green and the area in itself we need to form a connection between people and their awareness of their own environment. For example how can we state a synagogue as a significant building but not a small bakery which attracts the community. A building exists as a physical man made structure which is intwined with our own perceptions of it, therefore any building can be significant.

Maybe by trying to discover which are the significant buildings of Golder green in this way we will be able to closer understand the 'movements, actions, rituals and habits' of the community.

In the same way, if we were to observe the geography of the two sites throughout their history, town plans etc, what might this tell us about the community.

Also, as designers, we work with texture and colour. They are the visual representation of our aims, they transform our ideas into a tactile product. So I think we should try to explore the textures and materials of the crematorium and road, maybe do some rubbings to get a visual interpretation of the materials that make the area.

- Vita


I personally don't believe death has a purpose, how can it? To purposly do something it has to have a mind of its own. Death is just a natural reaction to the body's incapabilities. We are not super human, only human, obviously. As a human our body can only function with working organs.

I also think we need to do more than just map/count things. In the brief it talks about analysing movements, actions, rituals and habits. The aim is to design an appropriate intervention that responds to an issue.

To analyse movements we could look at:
transport - no bikes-many buses and cars-tube station near by-commute to London
music - traditional or modern? Are there bands? Is music a big part of the community?
shops - proximity, range/what customers do they cater for?
religion - majority Jewish-future plans for these Jewish families?

To analyse actions we could look at:
body language - compare to other areas of London/observe reactions to siuations
havent really got much for this section...

To analyse rituals we NEED to:
observe the community within the synagogue, go in and look around, ask questions
observe rush hour within the community-commuting town
count the direction of community flow-directions of travel

To analyse habits we could look at: (similar to rituals so combined)
family habits - bar mitzva/celebration/cakes(seem quite imortant)/meal times(food)

Any way just a few ideas on observations that stay quite close to the brief, so that we start on something fairly related and can expand from these ideas perhaps?


Me and Ya Yu have been at Golders Green on Wednesday, to get emotions and impressions on camera. For me, the video should just be an emotional part of the presentation, it should be played in the background (just with low music or so) while we are speaking, it´s just to rivet the public. It´s not the presentation, only a part.

So, what do you think about?
many greetings Co

My prospective of Life and Death!!!

I believe that life and death are interconnected in ways where they both co/exist together. Life cannot be without death and death cannot be without life.

But what is Life?
Life is enslaved by finite bounds of time this requires the necessity to make the most of the discontinuous time we have available. I also believe it is critically important that one respects and loves one another so that when we pass on to the next plain of reality, our souls can linger in paradise with peace and harmony. 

And what is the purpose of Death? 
I believe the purpose of death is to remind us that we are living human beings enslaved by time and this is why life and death are interconnected.... 


Google satellite view of cemetery - interesting that the grave stones have a sundial effect. Counting down the residents time until it's their turn to be buried?
Google satellite view of crematorium


Golders Green Crematorium

Dispersal Areas

Bill and Hoop Lane Cemetery



Who knew love hearts were Kosher?

Jewish funerals

Hi, hope this text can help a little bit to understand the process of Jewish funerals. I also sent this by email.
Many greetings, Co

Jewish funerals:
Because the Jewish religion is more concentrated on this life, the death is part of life, like night and day (Contrast theme!!!!!!!!) Who sees the death coming, prepares for with prayer and confessing his sins. In the moment when death occurs all attendants confess their faith in the inimitability of god (Hebr. "echad" - eng. "only, single, unique" = last word of Schma Israel should be the last word of a dying person).

If the death has come, the dead person must not be touched. The corpse will be laid to earth and a candle will be burned. Then the body will be washed and dressed up in a simple linen burial shroud. This burial is a present from bride to bridegroom on their wedding day; she is wearing it only at New Year´s day and at Day of Atonement. At all things, which have to do with death and funeral, members of the holy brother ship, named Chewra Kaddischa, were helping the relatives. Up to the funeral the dead will never be left alone, a Schomer (guard) is sitting next to the body and recites diverse psalms.
Traditional the funeral takes place at the day of death; outside of Israel a time of 48 hours will be demanded. The memorial ceremony takes place in a funeral parlour. A rabbi discourses the funeral oration, then the son of the dead person, respectively the next of kin speaks the Kaddisch, the requiescat, which praises god. Then the dead will be accompanied to the grave, this is a Mizwa, a religious duty and a good deed. At cemetery the relatives pull down their clothes as a sign of their mourning. Nowadays you strip off a tie or strip off a sliver, which will be fixed on the clothes.
The Jewish religion defeats the combustion of death bodies. It´s because the biblical imagination of the body, which turns back in his original form. It shall be deemed to be a hasty, unnatural way to shed the dead body of a person, who was a beloved member of the family. Because the biblical commandment “You should become earth” mortal apparels were wrapped round in linen sheets in older days.
Most Jewish people are desirous of being buried in Jerusalem. Because it´s not possible to burial all Jewish in Jerusalem, the decedent´s were put little bag with earth from the Holy Land inside, under their heads. You don´t use flower arrangements and a pompous tombs at a Jewish funeral, because it should be made clear that everyone is the same in death.
By leaving the cemetery everybody has to wash his hands, but not to dry them, so the memory of the decedent lasts longer. Then, all mourners come to the house of the decedent, to sit "Schiwa", which means 7 and stands for the seven-day misery period, which follows the funeral. The mourners have to stay at home and do no work. You have to sit on a small stool, wear no leather shoes and to relinquish bathing, shaving, make up, cut your hair and sex. Even reading in the Tora is forbidden.
After "Schiwa" is ending, the mourners walk around the block of houses for one time, to show the return in the society and the world. Then the 30 days of “Schloschim“begins, which will be countered from the funeral day. There the threnodical-rules are more relaxed. Is the dead person a mother or a father, the threnodical-time is one year. On the anniversary of death the mourners mark "Jahrzeit". On this day usually the tombstone will be arranged.

Jewish Cemeteries:
Above the entrance portal of Jewish cemeteries a sentence is written: "Bet ha-chajim", house of life. In the opinion of Jewish faith a tomb is forever and belongs to the dead. “If nobody can remember you, you are really dead”
The cemetery has a high rate for Jewish people; it is a place to remember the dead. As a “house of eternity” it cannot be eliminated, because to secure the eternal peace of the grave. You can often see little stones, placed on the graves; they were set aside at every visit to keep the memory of the beloved decedent. Jewish people will always be buried eastwards.
The early Jewish cemeteries were placed out of town. It is because that the living can´t stay together with the dead within the walls of town. Very often these cemeteries were located at places, which would be avoided by people. (Maybe it´s the reason for the contiguity to the crematory)
A typical Jewish tomb will not be nestled and the stone remains. At lack of space a shift of earth will be superimposed on the tomb und a dead body will be buried over another.


property prices of the area.

on Jewish migration to outskirts of London. Links to stories local libraries.

The No 13 bus operates the tourist route taking in Regent Street, Trafalgar Square and the Strand. This photograph is taken around Golders Green on the bus's route from Finchley to Aldwych.

Photograph: The No 13 bus near Golders Green by Henry Grant

a video of a guy talking about houses he would like to live in in Golders Green! Ha ha! Maybe another Bill?
Apparently a "high quality" video of Golders Green....
this guy just keeps on going...he LOVES Golders Green

useful at all?



Info so far

Things I've found out about Golders Green:

Hoop Lane cemetery

- jewish cemetery

Golders Green crematorium and mausoleum
- 1st in London
- designed by architect Sir Ernest George
- it is secular - accepting all faiths
- building is of Italianate style
- many famous people cremated
(Neville Chamberlain, T.S Eliot, Sigmund Freud)

Large Jewish population
- kosher restaurants

Cosmopolitan district
- restaurants
- shops
- communities


Hello All,
Thanks to Stephen for setting this up.
We can discuss using this Blog further on Monday.
You will hopefully all know that Sam Elliot is joining our group.
See you all on Monday.
Look at me using technology...


Process : Observation : Minor & Major

Two Locations :
Golders Green Road NW 11
Hoop Lane Cemetery NW 11

Group E :
Vita Woods
Ciara Lennon
Helen Taylor
Sophia Charalambous
Han Gu
Tsai Ya Ju
Stephen Banville
Corina Zych